W. Scott Crawford was born and raised in Kings Mountain, NC. Saved in 1971, Scott has dedicated his life to serving Christ nationally and internationally. Scott was called to preach the gospel in the mid '80s and has been involved in missions since 1999. A strong believer of fasting for the Lord's direction, Scott embraces the calling to go to the unreached people groups with the gospel of Christ. Scott, together with his wife, Shelley, firmly believes that the most important thing is to be in the Word and be obedient to it, to be in submission to Christ, to be bold when speaking the Word, to be a faithful giver in tithing, to pray, study, and spend time with Christ to know His voice. It's his personal mission to bring hope to those in darkness, Christ to those bound by tradition, the gift of salvation, and help cultivate in them a lifestyle of praise with a deep hunger for the Word. Through this ministry of missions and evangelism, thousand of lives have been transformed and they are looking for thousands more. While God allows this door to be opened, they will go! An indellible impact is being made in the Name of Jesus!