I had wanted to visit Africa since I was in the 4th grade and was so excited to be able to join my husband of 7 months on the December 2018 missions trip. I gathered my things in my suitcase and set out on that two day trek to Zambia.
The first thing I noticed upon arrival was how busy the terminal was. We had to obtain certain visas to leave the airport and then in route to our destination, had to obtain another visa to leave Malawi and enter into Zambia. After the 6 hour drive and $300 in visas we arrived at our place of stay. Those who picked us up at the airport would be returning in the morning to go out into the jungle villages with us.
We visited three villages during this trip. Unlike the initial observation of crowd and busyness, it was incredibly serene and beautiful in the jungle region. In the villages, the main thing that I noticed was how the people were so thankful; so grateful for us being there. They did not show much expression, as the hard life they live has not developed in them a sense of joy. But after telling them about the love of Christ, all that changed! A heaviness lifted that you could feel in the atmosphere!
We gave blankets to widows and orphans. To hear a widow say that in all her life she has never been given a blanket and then fall to her knees in gratitude, this had to have been one of the most touching things I had ever experienced.
It makes me pause and think that I have more than enough to be thankful for. Do I stop and appreciate it enough? At the core of it all, what makes us so different. her and me? We both want the same things in life: to be safe, healthy, and needed. And as long as I could help, I could provide a blanket so that now, when I say my prayers and go to sleep under my own, I know that she can too.
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